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    • Primary Care
    • Behavioral Health

    What is Disordered Drinking?

    An alcohol problem can affect anyone at any age. Many factors, including job stress, genetics or depression, may contribute to the start of disordered drinking.  Drinking alcohol exists on a continuum. For example, if someone feels down in the dumps for some time, it doesn’t mean they are clinically depressed. So if someone goes through a period with above-normal alcohol consumption, it doesn’t necessarily mean they abuse alcohol. Although “alcoholic” and “alcoholism” are common, they are not clinical descriptions. Alcohol use disorder is the preferred term. Symptoms are often mild but can be the start of a more significant problem. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), over 16 million adults live with alcohol use disorder. Symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder Do you recognize any of the following symptoms in yourself or someone you know? Drinking more or longer than intended Trying to cut down or stop drinking but not able to Having to drink more than you once did to get the same feeling Being annoyed when family members discuss your drinking Regretting your behavior while you were drinking

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    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Patient Story

    Why I Give: The Meinzer Family’s Story

    Losing a loved one is a devastating experience that can leave a permanent mark on one's heart. It is a journey that's difficult to navigate, but with the help of family and friends the process can be eased. For the Meinzer family, the healing process was made a little easier because of the exceptional care their loved one, Susie, received at Renown. In the fall of 2022, Susie Meinzer, a breast cancer survivor, suffered a fatal stroke. The care provided by Renown’s team was a reminder of the important role healthcare workers play in the lives of their patients and families. “We just knew, the doctors, the nurses, everyone… we knew that we didn’t have much time left with Susie,” said Ken Meinzer, Susie’s widower. Humanizing Healthcare The compassion provided by the care team at Renown made a significant impact on the Meinzer family. They ensured that Susie's last moments were as comfortable as possible, and their kindness and empathy have stuck with the family since. Dr. William Graham, pulmonologist with Renown Health, was among the many healthcare workers who provided care to Susie. "It was hard enough to lose her, and we ask ourselves, ‘Why?’ a lot, but the compassion we received from Dr. Graham made it a little bit easier,” said Ken. “One night he sat with us for over an hour, just grieving with us." This act of kindness made a profound impact on the family. “As an ICU doctor, I try not only to care for my patients, but also for their families,” said Dr. Graham. “Ken and his family displayed such sincerity, compassion and love for Susie and one another. They are just wonderful people; the kind of people that inspire me to be the best doctor possible.” A Family Legacy In gratitude for the exceptional care Susie received, the Meinzer family, including Ken and his three daughters, Melissa, Nicole and Kyra, decided to donate to Renown Health Foundation. Their gift is a beautiful reflection of their love and devotion to Susie. “The donation was a way to say thank you, and a way to support the healthcare workers who continue to make a difference in the lives of patients and families every day,” said Ken. "The nurses in Renown’s ICU went above and beyond. They were a constant source of comfort and support for our entire family," said Melissa Meinzer-Benson, Ken and Susie’s eldest daughter. This was not the first time the family had experienced exceptional care at Renown. Ken and Susie had both undergone cancer treatment the previous year. Susie was diagnosed with breast cancer and had recently completed her treatment before her stroke, while Ken was treated for neck cancer. Dr. Abhinand Peddada, oncologist with Renown Health, led both their care teams, demonstrating a deep dedication to their well-being throughout their treatments. “I am grateful and humbled by the trust that Mr. and Mrs. Meinzer placed in Renown and me for their care in difficult times,” said Dr. Peddada.” Both Ken and Susie deeply appreciated Dr. Peddada’s care for them throughout their respective battles with cancer. The Meinzer family, who own Pinnacle Heating and Air Conditioning in Reno, are known for their commitment to giving back to the community. Melissa is a Veteran and has spoken about the importance of supporting others in any way possible. Susie instilled in Melissa and her sisters a spirit of compassion from an early age, and they have continued to donate to charitable causes throughout their lives. “She was such a force of inspiration, compassion and love. She was aways caring for others,” said Kyra, Ken and Susie’s youngest daughter. Susie was a beloved member of the Oak Community Church. It was there that she spent many Thanksgivings alongside her daughters, volunteering to serve meals to those in need. Charity work was a passion for Susie, and she always found ways to help those around her. She was a shining example of the importance of supporting your community and making a positive impact on the world.

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    • Senior Care
    • Cancer Care

    A Friend to Veterans, A Friend to Renown

    Did you know that 218,000 veterans and their families call Nevada home? That is almost 7% of our total population who served this country and will require quality access to healthcare at some point in their lifetime.  When faced with a daunting diagnosis or procedure, such as cancer or surgery, Renown rises to the occasion to provide veterans and their loved ones with the highest caliber of care possible to protect the lives that protected ours.  Accessing that care, however, can be a challenge for some. As Renown serves veterans across 100,000 square miles, veterans living in rural communities often must travel long distances – with the costs of overnight lodging standing in the way, making healthcare access out-of-budget, and sometimes, nearly impossible.  That’s where Veterans Guest House comes in. Veterans Guest House provides veterans and their families with temporary overnight accommodations while receiving medical treatment in the Reno/Sparks area. Founded in 1993 in response to the growing number of veterans sleeping in their cars to access healthcare, the nonprofit embraces veterans and their families who would otherwise not be able to obtain the medical care they need because of inabilities to pay for overnight lodging.  A support system for veterans, especially veterans who are senior citizens, is vital to their overall health and well-being – and seniors at Veterans Guest House never have to feel alone in their care journey.  Enter Dyana Parks, a senior care assistant working with Veterans Guest House. A friend to Renown Health and the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute, Dyana goes the extra mile for seniors staying at Veterans Guest House – she not only helps them navigate the logistics of their care, but she also is one of their biggest mental well-being champions.  A Helping Hand for Guests in Need  A proud member of a veteran family herself, senior and veteran in-home care is a family affair for Dyana. With a sister experiencing post-accident brain damage, elderly parents – one of whom facing dementia – and a son and daughter-in-law in the same field of work, Dyana has a unique passion for in-home and dementia care and holds several decades of hospice experience. As such, when she was assigned to help the clients at Veterans Guest House in September 2022, it was a natural fit for her, and she immediately jumped into action.  Dyana takes special time during her work hours to transport seniors in need to their appointments at Renown (and keeps track of all of them), sits with them through chemotherapy and radiation treatments, ensures patients stay hydrated and nourished after major procedures, picks them up from surgery and always ensures everything goes well with each patient’s care. When patients coming from Veterans Guest House need extra emotional support, Dyana is always there to make sure they are okay and push them to keep going.  “I always say to my seniors, ‘never give up,’” said Dyana. “If a need arises, I am there to help. I love getting to know my clients and helping them go home healthy.”  As a ‘frequent flier’ at Renown and the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute, many of our team members are thrilled when they see Dyana walking through the doors with her clients, as they know that their patient is going home with one of their strongest advocates. To Dyana, Renown is akin to a family for both herself and her clients.  “I love Renown,” said Dyana. “Everyone there makes my clients feel as though they are more than just a patient – they make them feel like family, especially when going through a scary diagnosis like cancer. As someone who has been going there with my own family forever and who now guides veteran seniors through the process, I will always recommend Renown to anyone.”  Dyana emulates exactly what it means to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of our community, all while raising awareness for both Renown and Veterans Guest House.  “More people need to know about Veterans Guest House,” said Dyana. “When I came here, I was in awe. They do so much for every guest, making them feel comfortable at home while not having to worry about finances. Almost everyone that comes here, whether it be from the rural surrounding towns or all the way out to Alaska and even the Philippines, needs treatment of some kind, and I know Renown will always give them the best care.”  To learn more about Veterans Guest House, visit

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    • Clinical Trial
    • Research and Studies
    • University of Nevada, Reno
    • Employees

    Department Spotlight Clinical Research

    May 20 is National Clinical Trials Day. Celebrate with us by recognizing the Clinical Research team at Renown Health!  The root of every medication, treatment and procedure in healthcare can be traced back to research. From the beginning of the history of medicine, research has always played a crucial role in improving the lives of patients around the world, leaving a permanent mark on how we expand our medical capabilities to this day.  Renown Health’s Clinical Research team, in partnership with the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine (UNR Med), are leading that effort in our very own community. As our in-house leaders of clinical trials, this team is dedicated to advancing the science of medicine to help further our bottom line of making a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the patients they serve.   Trial by (Medical) Jury  Every day looks different for the Clinical Research team, especially when it comes to interacting with patients, providers and “sponsors,” which are the organizations providing the treatment for the study. One fact always remains true: communication and collaboration are key, especially among the team who act as the face of this process.  Meet Lisa English (pictured above on the far right in a blue shirt), a Lead Clinical Research Coordinator at Renown who serves as the study "project manager." One aspect of Lisa’s day-to-day is seeing patients through their clinical trials from start to finish.  It all begins with the setup.  “Before we can launch a study, there is a lot of back-and-forth dialogue between everyone involved to ensure the best fit,” said Lisa. “Sponsors will come to us with novel treatments, such as medications or devices, and the inclusion criteria that patients need to meet in order to qualify for the study. We then immediately jump into working with the providers, looking closely at the science and comparing the treatments to what is on the market already.”  From there, Lisa coordinates conversations between the providers, sponsors and study teams to gauge everyone’s capacity based on the length of the study, ensuring everyone involved has the time to dedicate to the process. Next, the providers identify patients that meet the criteria for the study, and together, the team decides where the patient visits will happen and discusses any potential barriers that may affect patient retention. The budget is clearly defined at this stage, set up to make sure no patient is ever billed for medical costs incurred as a result of the study.  Often, research participants are seen within the specialty clinics throughout the health system, while other times the Clinical Research Coordinators see patients at the recently centralized Clinical Research Office at Renown Regional Medical Center. This location provides an essential public-facing space for the community to learn more about clinical trials and demonstrates the breadth of resources available at Renown to sponsors to strengthen external partnerships and research funding opportunities.  Once the study officially begins, team members like Lisa will set patients up for a “screening/qualifying visit.” During this appointment, she makes sure patients get scheduled for their lab work, imaging scans and anything else the provider may need to make an executive decision on whether or not the patient is a good candidate for the study.  “I build it all in Epic,” said Lisa. “The study information, directions, requirements and next steps are all loaded in Epic for easy tracking. We are also required to input any notes in the sponsor’s electronic data capture website. All the information I track is inputted without protected health information (PHI), so every patient is completely anonymous.”  After the patient officially qualifies, the study goes full steam ahead. Team members like Lisa and the providers receive continual updates from sponsors on the status of the study.  “Throughout the entire process, I make sure patients get scheduled for everything that meets the requirements for the study,” said Lisa. “I meet with patients one-on-one to discuss their needs and concerns and ask questions about the study, organize their appointments and charts and deal with any issues or pivots that may arise. It’s very important that every patient fully understands what is going to happen with their care.”  The Clinical Research department strives to serve as a care partner to patients, providers and clinics they work with. The majority of our Clinical Research Coordinators are trained phlebotomists and medical assistants, performing their own assessments such as lab draws and electrocardiograms (ECGs) to streamline the research visit process and reduce resource constraints on the clinics and health system.  Lisa typically sees a couple of patients per week, depending on the study and where patients are in the cycle. Depending on the complexity of the trial, patients may see the research team only one time or several times over many years. Typically, clinical trial patients are seen in clinic every 2-4 weeks. There are many tasks required before, during and after a research visit to ensure everything runs smoothly, so Clinical Research Coordinators dedicate an average of 5-11 hours of work per patient, per visit.  Regardless of patient load, each employee in the Clinical Research department – as well as participating teams across Renown and UNR Med – always step in to help each other out. According to Lisa, the environment is immensely supportive.  “We have a program here at Renown to train employees who have never done clinical trials,” said Lisa. “We love seeing people get more engaged with the important work we do, and every department has been great at collaborating with us. Everyone brings a different perspective.”  At the end of the study, Lisa gathers all the information and collects notes into a zip drive or paper binder for archiving. The sponsor lets the Clinical Research team, providers and patients know whether they are on the trial drug or on the placebo. The teams use the data gathered during the study to publish a report or present at conferences, promoting the critical research done to better the lives of patients in our community, and potentially, the world.  “I appreciate the time everyone gives us to make sure our research is successful,” said Lisa. “It feels great to work together to make a difference, improve healthcare quality and save lives.”  Behind-the-Scenes, Yet on the Frontlines  The impact of research studies transcends hospital walls, and this can all be attributed to the dedication of our Clinical Research department. The constant collaboration between this team, lab science, medical assistants and providers, cardiology technologists, sonographers, finance teams and our partners at UNR Med is crucial to safeguarding the success of the studies.  Devoted to keeping research close to home, Renown and UNR Med teamed up to form the Clinical Research Office (CRO) in 2021. With the strength of northern Nevada's largest not-for-profit health system and Nevada’s first medical school, this team is dedicated to giving our community access to the latest care innovations.  “At UNR Med, we are working with students, residents and academic faculty; on the Renown side, we are working with clinicians and community participants,” said Amber Emerson, Manager for Community Outreach and Research Engagement for UNR Med.  “Everything we do is data-driven,” added Kristen Gurnea, Manager of Clinical Research for Renown. “Our main goal is to optimize our impact and provide a community benefit for our patients. The scope of our roles in the Clinical Research office is very diverse.”  To help meet the growing need locally for healthcare and cutting-edge treatment solutions, the CRO has continued to grow, expanding its research capabilities and helping bring new medications, medical devices and more to patients across northern Nevada and northeastern California.  “Once upon a time, our team had only six members; today we have grown to a team of 25,” added Diana Torres, Research Resource Analyst for Renown. “We used to be considered one department, including Medical Education, and we have since branched off into our own cost center. We branched off even further and created a separate Genetics department that runs the Healthy Nevada Project. Throughout this process, the Clinical Research department was always the main point of the umbrella.”  “We participate in hospital-wide outreach and marketing, and we feel this has really helped us get the word out about our department,” added Raul Arellano, Research Resource Analyst for Renown. “In fact, we doubled our clinical trial portfolio from last year.”  The CRO currently operates over 100 clinical trials locally in cardiology, endocrinology, infectious disease, neurology, pediatric and adult oncology, pediatric sub-specialties and pulmonology.   Behind the curtains of in-person research, the CRO is home to several experts who help turn our research studies into a reality, from budgeting and billing to barrier-breaking and building relationships.  “I help with barriers patients and Clinical Research Coordinators are facing, building connections and relationships inside and outside of our health system,” said Kristen Gurnea. “I enjoy handling all the supporting pieces that are required for studies to happen.”  “My role changes every day,” added Jenna Berger, Administrative Assistant for the CRO at Renown. “Some days, I’ll be helping coordinate patient stipends and going through document management to ensure we have all necessary signatures. Other days, I will be planning events – like Clinical Trials Week – for our department and creating marketing materials and fliers.”  “Our day-to-day involves going over anything related to research financials,” added Diana Torres. “We handle sponsor billings, process efficiency and collecting revenue for research contracts, and we collaborate closely with our Finance department and Revenue Integrity in order to accomplish this. It’s important for us to make sure all billing on both the sponsor and patient side is taken care of, especially because patients should never receive a bill for medical services they receive for the trial. A year and a half ago, we started doing budget negotiations for research contracts,” said Diana Torres. “We are proud to help clinical teams with any training they may need on these negotiations as well as billing reviews and allocations.”  Seeing patients progress during a study and transform before their eyes inspires the CRO team to continue doing what they do every day.  “I’ve been here for many years, first working on the floor as an oncology nurse and transitioning to oncology research in 2005,” said Anna Winchell, Cancer Protocol Nurse for Renown. “I love getting to know the patients and seeing them progress into a healthy lifestyle.”  Medical students and residents at UNR Med also play a significant role in the research process, advancing medicine by exploring causes and novel treatments for a wide range of conditions, including HIV, muscular dystrophy, gastrointestinal disorders, infectious diseases and more. Medical research at UNR Med is headed by committed research coordinators, community outreach managers, grants managers, pharmacists and physicians.  “I oversee scientific review and help the physicians that come to us for those resources,” said Amil Trujillo-King, Medical Research Coordinator at UNR Med. “I guide medical students in their research protocols and help with different projects to improve research activities for both students and medical residents.”  It takes a village to make clinical research happen. Because of that, the ACRO cannot thank the following teams enough for moving mountains for the future of medicine:  Renown Health and UNR Med leadership for demonstrating the integrated health system’s commitment to expanding access to clinical research in our community within both the Renown / UNR Med affiliation and Renown active strategic plans.  Renown Pharmacy especially Research Clinical Pharmacist Tim Morton, who supports all clinical trial medication dispensing and patient education across all clinical trials at Renown.  Accounts Payable for having a huge impact on patient and employee reimbursement.  Renown Medical Group for their participating providers, especially in oncology, cardiology, pulmonology, pediatrics, endocrinology and neurology, who are involved in research year after year.  Marketing and Communications for helping with printed materials and raising awareness for clinical research at Renown and UNR Med.  An Affiliation to Last Through the Ages  A collective, shared vision of exploring community health – that is the impetus behind the affiliation between Renown and UNR Med. By leveraging resources across both institutions, the CRO has maximized their impact, giving the people of northern Nevada greater access to new interventions and treatments and promoting an impassioned culture with patients, providers, residents and medical students.  “Community-based research always sat well with me,” said Amber Emerson. “As Renown and UNR Med, we have this unique opportunity to shape clinical research here in northern Nevada. We always make sure we present research in a meaningful way that speaks to the work we produce and demonstrates the opportunities we offer. After all, participating in clinical research doesn’t mean our patients are ‘guinea pigs’ – quite the opposite! They are partners in their health care, and we support them through providing access to novel treatments.”  “Research is my passion, and my career has spanned broadly from grants administration to study coordination,” added Valerie Smith, Clinical Research Center Administrative Manager at UNR Med. “I am excited to be at the forefront of research frontiers in northern Nevada.”  Through robust engagement and collaboration with healthcare providers, department administrators, internal research team members and leadership, the strength of this affiliation is unmeasurable. The CRO’s ultimate goal is to have clinical trials be the standard of care for every condition that Renown and UNR Med treats. Clinical research participation is all about patient autonomy, shared decision-making between patients and their providers and advancing medicine to save lives. From their beginnings as a small group of passionate researchers to their present reality as a leader in the research space in northern Nevada, their efforts do not go unnoticed.  “The success of our department is inspiring,” said Amil Trujillo-King. “Renown and UNR Med supports the wellbeing of all employees and contributes directly to the growth of the department.”  “When I first joined Renown in Patient Access, I didn’t realize that we had a research department; with a strong healthcare background in my family, I knew I wanted to grow in my career, and our expanding Clinical Research office was that next step,” said Raul Arellano. “With our affiliation with UNR Med, it’s especially inspiring to be able to apply what I learned as a Patient Access Representative to help further outcomes for our patients through managing our finances.”  Through their unwavering commitment to research excellence and patient-centered care, the CRO will continue to pave the way for groundbreaking medical discoveries and improved outcomes for patients for years to come.  “Fundamentally, we’re working to build a culture of research in our community because we believe it is the right thing to do. Our community deserves to have access to clinical trials and novel care close to home with a dedicated team to support them every step of the way,” closes Kristen Gurnea.

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    • Fitness
    • Sports Medicine
    • Pain Management

    How to Manage and Prevent Tendonitis

    Tendonitis occurs when a tendon in your body is inflamed or irritated. This painful condition can impact your day-to-day activities, but can be managed and prevented. Luis Palacio, MD, shared some insights into how to manage tendonitis. Overuse and Repetitive Motion Tendons are complex tissues in our body that connect muscles to bones, allowing us to move. Unfortunately, sometimes these tendons become inflamed, worn down or injured, a condition called tendonitis. Symptoms of tendonitis include pain or dull ache, tenderness and mild swelling at the site. While tendonitis can be caused by a sudden injury, it is more commonly seen in frequent motions, including: Repetitive motions in exercise, work or other physical activities. Awkward positions in a movement, including poor posture. Forced movements that strain your body. Sudden increase in frequency of movement or level of difficulty, including little to no recover time between new activity. Shoes without proper support or hard surfaces, such as concrete floors. Evaluation is Key If you suspect that you have tendonitis and it does not resolve on its own after a few days, you should get it evaluated by a primary care or sports medicine doctor. They can make recommendations to aid your recovery and refer you to the right sub-specialist if needed. With some intentional actions, you can help reduce the risk of tendonitis with the following suggestions: Add variety: Mixing up the type of exercise you do will help prevent repetitive motions that can result in overuse. Stretch and condition: Make sure the keep up with proper stretching and muscle strengthening to support your physical activities. Do it right: Make sure that the way you are completing exercise or work-related physical activities is correct. Seek out a professional for lessons or guidance if you are unsure.

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    • Fitness
    • Sports Medicine

    How to Spot the Signs of a Concussion

    Concussions are an unfortunate occurrence in youth sports and other physical activities. Learning the signs now will help you respond if you suspect that someone near you has suffered a concussion. A concussion is a mild type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that can occur after any injury to the head/neck area. It’s important to seek the appropriate level of care if they occur. Brandon Hockenberry, MD with Renown Sports Medicine shares tips on concussion signs to look for and what to do next. Look for these Dangerous Signs First Call 911 or visit an ER right away if you notice one of the following in the person who suffered a blow to the head or body: One pupil is larger than the other Severe or worsening headaches Drowsiness or inability to wake up, including any period of unconsciousness Slurred speech, weakness, numbness or decreased coordination Multiple episodes of vomiting Convulsions, shaking or twitching Monitor for Concussion Signs and Symptoms If someone suffers a bump, blow or other jolt, it’s important to look out for changing symptoms. Symptoms can continue to evolve for up to 24 hours after the injury. Seek care from your primary care provider, an urgent care or a sports medicine provider if you notice any of the following: Cannot recall events prior to or after the incident Appears confused or disoriented Clumsy movements Slow reaction, including movements and speech Changes to normal behavior or mood You should also question the person about how they are feeling. If they report any of the following symptoms, seek care: Headache or feelings of pressure in their head Nausea or vomiting Dizziness or balance issues Problems with eyesight, such as blurriness or double vision Increase sensitivity to light or sound Sluggishness, or feelings described as “hazy” or “foggy” Struggles with remembering or concentration Just “not feeling right”

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    • Surgical Services
    • Employee Story
    • Careers
    • Nursing
    • Employees

    Zarah Path from Traveler to OR Nurse

    As many nurses can attest, the journey they have taken to arrive at where they are today is full of twists and turns. For Zarah Jayco, an operating room nurse at Renown Regional Medical Center, her journey is nothing short of a fulfilling and exciting one. Zarah is no stranger to taking detours to find what truly makes her feel the bursts of passion she had been looking for her entire life. She found that passion in the operating room – and travel nursing led her to Renown Health. Today, she is a firm believer that she is exactly where she is supposed to be.  “I Just Want to Help People”  Throughout her life, Zarah knew she was destined for a meaningful career – but didn’t exactly know what. One day, she sat down with her mom, a nurse herself, where she asked the question that would ignite Zarah’s curiosity: What is important to you?  “That’s when I told my mom: ‘honestly, I just want to help people.’”  It was at that moment that she realized nursing could be a fit for her. Everything about venturing into the nursing field started to make sense.  So, that’s precisely what she did. Zarah went to nursing school. When she stepped into the OR during her clinical rotation, she was immediately inspired.  Zarah’s core values as a nurse were rooted from caring for her 90-year-old grandmother while she was in hospice. Her grandmother gave her some powerful lessons and words as she set off on her career: “You are in the right place.”  Upon completion of her perioperative program, Zarah the OR Nurse we know and love started her journey. She began her trek as a travel nurse, going up and down California to do exactly what she was meant to do: care for surgical patients.  “I Traded the Ocean Waves for the Mountains”  As Zarah continued to travel and find different locations for new assignments, her husband received an opportunity for work to transfer to the Biggest Little City. The duo packed up their California lives and moved to northern Nevada, where Zarah signed up for a night shift OR nurse position at Renown Regional Medical Center.  But the traveler’s mindset wouldn’t last long.  Renown embraced Zarah with open arms, and she was immediately drawn into the community-feel that our health system offered. She felt welcomed and surrounded by “loving, hardworking people” across her department and all other teams she encountered.  As Renown cares for patients across 100,000 square miles, Zarah was especially impressed with how rooted Renown is in northern Nevada, noting how it “truly feels like we are caring for the community” with our health system’s wide reach. She was inspired to live up to that mission and more.  “Reno and Renown really reeled me in, and I fell in love with the city and everything it has to offer,” said Zarah. “I traded the ocean waves for the mountains, and the more we got to know Reno, the more we realized that this change of pace and lifestyle was definitely a good fit for us.”  Zarah the OR Travel Nurse became Zarah the Renown OR Core Staff Charge Nurse. And she knew she made the right decision.  Working in the OR, according to Zarah, is challenging in the best way possible. At night, all surgery cases at Renown are emergencies. The team springs into action to answer one vital question: How do we provide the best care for this patient?  “It is essential for us to anticipate potential outcomes,” said Zarah. “When we book a surgical case, we look at everything to make sure we are absolutely prepared and ready.”  Staying at Renown was an easy choice for Zarah. To her, there is nothing like being a part of a core team that inspires her every day and ‘has each others’ back,’” Zarah stated. “During the course of my assignment at Renown, the culture harnessed a kind of environment that felt like a hardworking family. This was the hook that reeled me into considering being part of core staff. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to build relationships that I hold in the highest esteem.”

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    • Nursing
    • Employees
    • Cancer Care
    • Surgical Services

    Department Spotlight: Medical-Surgical Nursing

    The title of “largest nursing specialty in the country” belongs to medical-surgical nursing (commonly known as “med-surg”). Devoted to providing care for patients with a variety of health conditions and who are preparing for or recovering from surgery, this ever-popular nursing niche attracts impassioned, talented individuals who make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of every patient.  Med-surg nurses at Renown Health emulate this dedication and more. From general surgery to oncology and orthopedics, the med-surg team at Renown Regional Medical Center and Renown South Meadows Medical Center play a critical role in our care delivery for patients facing challenging diagnoses or procedures. Their ability to seamlessly juggle multiple tasks while providing the highest quality of care makes them excellent patient advocates, guiding them through the path to healing.  High-Paced with High Results Our med-surg team has the ability and willingness to provide high-caliber nursing for patients with virtually any medical condition – orthopedic injury, trauma surgery, infections, sepsis, pulmonary disease, you name it. No matter the diagnosis or procedure, med-surg has the experience and enthusiasm to handle the fast nature of the job well. Med-surg nurses are always on the go, handling a growing list of conditions together as a team. They work side by side to assess each patient’s condition and assist with both education and discharge planning for patients and families. “Med-surg is a high-paced and unpredictable environment with the largest variety of diagnoses and patient populations,” said Danyel Gish, Manager of Nursing at Renown Regional. “Every patient is everyone’s patient in med-surg. We help each other by answering each other’s call lights, communicate clear expectations and build strong trusting relationships with one another.”  “You never know what kind of disease or conditions your patient may present with,” added Brittani Manatt, Registered Nurse in the Cancer Nursing Unit at Renown Regional. “We care for patients with almost any medical diagnosis.”  Being admitted to the hospital, regardless of the reason, can be a scary and vulnerable time for anyone. However, patients can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that their competent and confident med-surg nurses are here by their side before and after they experience surgery or treatment.  “We communicate with our patients at every step of their care journey to ensure they understand what is going on and help alleviate any fears or concerns,” said Jenni Gilligan, Associate Nurse Manager at Renown South Meadows. “Some of my tips include asking the patient how they are feeling and validating those feelings; getting them and their families and friends involved in the process; and ensuring them that we are here for them and will take the best possible care of them."  “What we do as a team to reduce patients’ fears revolves around clear communication and support, whether it’s grabbing them a Starbucks drink, taking them outside for a walk or simply just listening to their concerns,” added Rose Simonian, Supervisor of Clinical Nursing at Renown Regional. “Connecting with our patients through kindness and laughter helps alleviate some of the anxiety that comes with being in the hospital.”  Jenni and Rose are exactly right – that clear communication is the “secret sauce” to success within the med-surg team. Their patients are the direct beneficiaries of this crucial skill.  “Everything we do throughout our shift focuses on teamwork and communication, making sure every piece of our plan comes together for optimal patient care,” said Cristina Vazquez, Registered Nurse at Renown Regional.  “We collaborate a lot within each healthcare team,” added Reena Clark, Registered Nurse at Renown South Meadows. “We also make sure the patients participate and are involved in their plan of care. This is important to set a common goal and help each other achieve that goal for the patient. The nurses on the floor are the eyes, ears and hands of inpatient care."  When faced with a daunting diagnosis or procedure, it’s important to have a strong support system within your personal care team, cheering you on every step of the way. Our med-surg team members are masters at this, finding new ways to connect with patients and help them feel empowered to Fight the Good Fight.  “We always try to find something that the patient loves or is passionate about that helps shift their mindset,” said Paola Espinoza-Patino, Associate Nurse Manager in the Cancer Nursing Unit at Renown Regional. “It will help them focus their attention on something that brings them joy, even if it’s for a short period of time. This helps them let their guard down and trust the team. We are here to take the best care of them as possible.”  "Med-surg provides a safe place to openly discuss any fears or anxieties a patient may be experiencing,” added Danyel Gish. “Our nurses are kind, compassionate and highly-trained professionals that work hand-in-hand with our patients to maintain their safety and wellness. We understand that being in the hospital can be a difficult experience, but we work hard to provide a calming presence and reassurance. We identify different ways to connect with our patients by holding their hands, listening, educating and providing individualized care and interventions.”  Much like many other departments across Renown, for med-surg, their patients’ accomplishments are their accomplishments. Witnessing one of their patients reach a significant milestone in their healthcare journey inspires them to continue doing what they do best: provide care driven by equal parts determination and hope.  “The biggest accomplishment for me is seeing a patient complete their last round of chemotherapy with us and getting to ring our ‘Chemo Bell,’” added Trevor Owens, Unit Clerk at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. “There is no greater joy than witnessing the happiness and relief of a patient completing a step in their healthcare journey."  Working tirelessly to provide exceptional care to every patient – and celebrating all their wins along the way – alongside their dedication to Renown’s cultural commitments of Caring and Collaboration are what make our med-surg nurses prosper day-in, day-out.

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    • Pediatric Care
    • Baby Health
    • Kid's Health
    • Parenting

    10 Essential Questions to Ask at Your Child's Pediatrician Visit

    Taking a few minutes to prepare for your child's pediatrician visit helps ensure that all your child's medical needs are met. Knowing the right questions to ask your provider can help you get the most out of your visit and ensure you and your child feel comfortable and informed. It is essential to base your questions on your child's specific health needs, but the ten options below are a great place to start. How is my child's overall health and development progressing? Is my child meeting their developmental milestones, and are there any areas where they may need extra support? What vaccinations does my child need, and are they up to date on all required immunizations? Are there any nutritional recommendations or concerns for my child's age and stage of development? What are some strategies for promoting healthy habits and physical activity for my child? Are there any warning signs I should look out for regarding my child's health or behavior? What can I do to help prevent common childhood illnesses like colds, flu strains or ear infections? What should I do if my child gets sick, and when should I seek medical attention? Are there any changes to my child's medication or dosage that I should be aware of? Is there anything else I should know or be aware of regarding my child's health or development?

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    • Behavioral Health
    • Pediatric Care
    • Primary Care
    • Kid's Health
    • Mental Health

    Nurturing Your Child's Back-to-School Mental Health

    The back-to-school season is here, and ensuring your child's successful transition involves more than just school supplies and schedules. At Renown Children’s Hospital, and in collaboration with Nevada Pediatric Psychiatry Solutions, we understand the vital role that mental health plays in a child's overall well-being and academic performance. Below we'll guide you through essential tips for a smooth back-to-school experience, with a special focus on nurturing your child's mental health. How to Support Your Child’s Mental Health from Home Remember, the below strategies can be adapted to align with your child's personality, learning style and household dynamics. Flexibility and understanding are key in tailoring these tips to suit your child's unique needs. 1. Be Open to Communication: Recognize that effective communication is the cornerstone of understanding your child's feelings and concerns. Create a safe space where your child feels comfortable expressing their thoughts. Listen to learn, without judgment. Make it a point to validate their emotions and ensure they are heard. Encourage sharing experiences,worries, friends and challenges they may be facing. Having open conversations about sensitive topics opens the door for discussion and understanding. Make yourself available. 2. Establish a Routine: A consistent routine can offer a sense of stability and predictability for your child, and anticipation helps to decrease anxiety and establish a sense of control. Join forces and design a daily schedule that includes time for schoolwork, play, physical activity, meals and relaxation. Be flexible about the structure to allow room for last-minute changes including extra activities based on that day’s needs as well. Always add time for play and bonding. 3. Practice Compassion: Back-to-school can come with big emotions. Listening reflexively and acknowledging these feelings can help you and your child act positively on these big emotions. 4. Get Involved: Actively engage in your child's school life by participating in school events, meetings and discussions. Show interest in their educational journey, ask about their experiences and provide guidance when needed. Being present in their academic pursuits not only boosts their confidence but also strengthens the parent-child bond. 5. Use Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate your child's achievements, no matter how small they may seem. This allows for a sense of accomplishment and boosts self-esteem. Praise efforts, progress and perseverance, whether it's completing an assignment, making a new friend or overcoming a challenge. This positivity encourages a growth mindset and resilience. 6. Organize a Schoolwork Zone: Create a comfortable workspace at home dedicated to school-related tasks. Customize the area based on your child's preferences and needs. Having a designated space for studying and completing assignments promotes focus, reduces distractions and enhances their overall learning experience.

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    • Renown Health
    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Community Partnerships

    Gratitude and Generosity: The Henson's Journey with Renown Health Foundation

    It doesn’t take long to feel at ease when you sit down with Michael and Lorraine Henson. They are the kind of people you immediately know you can count on and want to be friends with. They have had more than their fair share of hard knocks and yet they still maintain an air of warmth and gratitude. That sense of gratitude towards Renown and connection to this community is what led them to make a generous gift in their family trust to Renown Health Foundation. Home Means Nevada Michael and Lorraine met as students at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) and they’ve been together ever since. Lorraine moved from Las Vegas to attend UNR and never left. They have deep roots in Reno and deep roots with Renown going back to its Washoe Medical Center (Washoe Med) days. As Michael put it, he is “Reno born and Reno proud.” Michael’s mother was born at Washoe Med in 1937, but it was his personal experiences with Renown that formed his bond with the organization. When Michael was a teenager, his brother was diagnosed with brain cancer. He was treated over the course of the next six years at Renown before passing away at the tragically young age of 24. The impact on his family was life altering. Michael is an Eagle Scout and turned down a spot at the Air Force Academy to stay close and be with his brother. Renown provided support to Michael and his family during this incredibly difficult time as well as other times such as when his father was in hospice and when Lorraine had a health scare. The Ties That Bind A few years after his brother’s death, Michael joined the Renown team and has now been an employee for 31 years! Lorraine too has many connections to Renown. She was an employee for several years, volunteers for Renown Children’s Hospital and is a grateful patient. Making Their Mark Through Renown’s employee giving program Michael and Lorraine have given over $6,500 to support Renown’s mission to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the people and communities we serve. “These two are a wonderful example of how small gifts over time really add up and their decision to include Renown Health Foundation in their estate plans can be an inspiration to us all this month in particular, as August is Make a Will Month,” said Greg Walaitis, Chief Development Officer at Renown Health Foundation. “Michael and Lorraine have supported Renown in every way imaginable over the years, including with their time, their talents and their treasure. It is an honor to have them as part of our Renown family.” We are also incredibly grateful to have Michael and Lorraine as members of the Renown Legacy Society, which recognizes donors who have provided for Renown Health Foundation in their estate plans, and we look forward to celebrating them at the Inaugural Renown Legacy Society Celebration taking place on August 30.

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    • Emergency Care
    • Urgent Care

    What to do if you Experience a Summer Burn

    As families spend more time outdoors to enjoy the summer temperatures, it's important to be aware of potential hazards that can lead to burns – be it sunburns, burns sustained while grilling or navigating the hot surfaces often found around pool decks and parks. All these burn types are not only painful but can also cause severe damage to the skin and require immediate medical attention.   Ross Albright, MD, an emergency care physician, explores effective preventive measures to avoid burns during the summer and discusses when it's essential to seek medical care.  Stay Sun Safe While soaking up the sun is a favorite summer pastime for many, it's important to protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Sunburns not only damage the skin but also increase the risk of more severe burns.  Follow these tips for staying safe in the sun:  Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 before heading outdoors and reapply every two hours.  Seek shade during peak hours of sun intensity, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.  Wear protective clothing, such as wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses and lightweight, long-sleeved garments.  Fire and Hot Object Safety Summer is full of fun outdoor activities like BBQs, campfires and fireworks, all of which can pose a fire hazard if not handled carefully.   To prevent burns caused by fires:  Maintain a safe distance from open flames and grills and always use oven mitts or potholders when handling hot objects.  Keep a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit readily available.  Keep children away from hot objects and fireworks and educate them about the dangers of touching or playing with them.  Hot Surface Safety  Asphalt, metal slides and surfaces around the pool retain heat and are likely to be significantly hotter than other materials such as a wooden picnic table to grassy pathway (these can still be hot too!). So, it's crucial to be cautious around these materials to prevent burns:  Use caution when near hot surfaces surrounding water sources, such as pool decks or metal slides.  Always wear shoes when walking on hot surfaces such as asphalt, concrete and even sand.  Ensure that playground equipment such as slides and swings are cool to the touch before your kiddos start climbing around.   Recognizing Severity of Burns and Seeking Care  Despite our best efforts, burns can still occur. It's essential to know when a burn requires medical attention:  First-degree burns, characterized by redness, pain and minor swelling, can typically be treated at home with cool water and over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol).  Second-degree burns, which may cause blistering and more intense pain, should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. Third-degree burns, indicated by charring or blackened skin, deep tissue damage or burns that cover a large area, require immediate emergency care.  Preventing burns during the summer is paramount to enjoying a safe and enjoyable season. By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of burns and ensure prompt medical attention when necessary. Stay informed, stay safe and have a burn-free summer!  If you or someone you know experiences a burn, it's important to seek immediate medical care.

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