Mom and child on playground

Community Commitment

Embracing our Commitment

Every day we strive to create a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the people and communities we serve. To make it happen, we partner with local organizations that share an equally vibrant vision for our community’s future.
We are a proud sponsor of these organizations and grateful for their contributions to our thriving, diverse region:

A Plan to Improve the Health of Our Community

Renown Health collaborated with the Washoe County Health District for a second time in 2017 to conduct a Washoe County Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). The CHNA provides a comprehensive overview of our community's health status and quality of life. Validated, reliable data sources – including an online survey of 1,400 residents, input from local subject matter experts, and feedback from over 80 leaders and stakeholders who participated in a community workshop – provided insights into the community's health needs and the issues impacting health in the region.

This 2018-2021 Renown Health Community Benefits Plan is the implementation plan that addresses prioritized community health needs identified in the CHNA and targets specific areas for improvements in health outcomes. Other organizations, including the Washoe County Health District, will create their implementation plan from Washoe County CHNA. By sharing one assessment document, we can collaborate on improvement priorities that will complement each other for the entire community's benefit.

Although most patients reside in Washoe County and adjacent rural communities, Renown Health serves an area of nearly 80,000 square miles across northern Nevada. For clarity and focus, the CHNA health data were collected for the defined geopolitical boundary of Washoe County. However, in partnership with numerous organizations, Renown Health's Community Benefit Plan programs will impact families in Washoe County and neighboring rural areas. This three-year plan summarizes the health needs and the actions community partners have identified to address those needs. Community partners will report their progress to Renown Health every six months, and adjustments to the delivery of program elements will be made accordingly.

Making a Difference

Renown Health is committed to making a difference in our community through our sponsorships, health improvements and volunteerism.
  • Community Sponsorships
  • Community Benefit
  • Employee Volunteers

Renown Health is honored to support local organizations in improving the health of Washoe County residents and neighboring communities.  We want to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the people and communities we serve.

Our Community Sponsorships

At Renown Health, we are blessed beyond words to be surrounded and supported by people who are working tirelessly to see our common dream become reality: to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of every person in every community we serve.

Community Value Report

It Pays to Give Back. 

Full-time employees can receive full pay for volunteering in our community and we are proud of their contributions.

Contact Us

Melissa Dahir, Community Impact and Partnership Liaison


Other Resources

Community Heath Needs Assessments

The Healthcare Center

Email Melissa Dahir